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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Don't Run Boston

It's actually the name of a race that takes place the day before the Boston Marathon in Milton, MA (dang... the 50K is sold out), but we'll get to that in a second. Next week will kick off the "Boston Countdown" series, which will include facts about the Boston marathon, the city itself, and whatever the heck else I feel like posting until we get to April 18th. But, in an effort to be semi-unbiased, I will devote one whole blog entry to why you should run the Boston Marathon. I think that's fair... 5:1 is better than 5:0 afterall... so here goes:

Sure it's old... sure it's famous... but so are a lot of things that now collect dust on the shelves of museums. So, I say we find a new marathon... we'll be "trendsetters" of sorts. I mean, we were already way ahead of the game on the whole compression sock thing, so we have history on our side. As a starting point though, it might be easier to pick a race that others already like (people might not take you seriously when you tell them that "Boston is a thing of the past" when you're wearing neon yellow compression socks). Most agree that New York, Chicago, Honolulu, Big Sur, Disney, and Marine Corps are good U.S.-based marathons (and some sites even rank them higher than Boston). Worldwide, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Rotterdam, Paris, and Amsterdam rank high on the list.
And, to help you out with some reasons why, here are some "good" ones:

    1 comment:

    1. I read through Art DeVany's Top 10 reasons NOT to run a marathon and found them to be quite absurd sounding. So I searched around a bit and found a forum thread on RW that made me feel good again about my choice to be an endurance athlete.


      The post by user "LoveTheHalf" on the 2nd page is especially worth reading since its a point-by-point rebuttal of DeVany's list.
