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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

Or join us on one of our group runs!

Track workout from Bottle Revolution (Tues- 6:15PM)
Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

9/25-26... The "Long" Awaited Reports

So who didn't race last weekend?!? Seriously, I certainly picked a weekend to be "wicked busy"... lots of catching up on reporting to do (I apologize for the delay)!

Starting on Sat., Mandy and Rita went 1-2 in the Women's Distance Festival 5K (results). Lisa was the 2nd female overall at the Get Pumped for Pink 10K, setting a new PR in the process. Nicole also placed 3rd in her age group at the Wilmington YMCA Triathlon (results). And, not to be shown up by the females, James and Sean went 1-2 in Hope's Hope 5K (and both of James' brothers finished in the top 10; results). At the Salem Lake 30K, John Royal was the 1st Master's runner (5th overall), and David Kirby grabbed 3rd in his age group (results). Oyler also competed well in the Wilmington YMCA Triathlon, despite being stung by a jellyfish on the swim (his son was 2nd in his age group; results).

On Sunday, Rita (2nd age group), Dave (4th age group), and I (4th female) ran in the Anna's Angels 10-miler. Srini Iyer (TAF Elite) was 2nd overall, and we saw a bunch of our friends from the Half Marathon Training Program out there (results). And last, but certainly not least, Brad logged 61 miles at the Hinson Lake 24-hr run, despite the 90-degree temperatures. This brings his 5 year total to 500 miles for this race (ok, that's just crazy... race report).

Whew... AWESOME JOB EVERYONE AND CONGRATS!!! And, thank you for everyone who came out to support us (saw Alli, Sean, Nicole, Ed, and Keith at Anna's Angels). I'll get some more detailed reports up later this week... time to do work! #20


  1. Don't forget John Royal's 5th overall and 1st Master at Salem Lake 30k. He averaged 6:24's for 18.6 miles! Wow.
