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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

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Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mag Mile Report

As promised... here is the "full" Mag Mile report:

TAF Racing managed to synchronize their watches and all show up pretty much at the same time. After picking up our chips, we immediately found the TAF tent to try and get out of the sun (plus, Brad needed a spot to store his gear being that he biked from North Raleigh). We saw a bunch of our friends from the Half Marathon Training Program, Fit-tastic, and other triangle-area running clubs... as well as the TAF Elite squad (they were more of a blue and white blur). It finally came time to begin warming up (2 o'clock races are not good for my patience), and we decided to "run the course" (because that's what's awesome about mile races). We saw Jim, who had come out to cheer us on despite having recently undergone surgery for his Achilles, and McCrae and Sarah (who now have a beautiful new daughter named Anna). Keith, Mark N., and Matt were also there to support us.

Ok, so we finished warming up. They called the men to the line and ran through the "Who's Who" of NC running. Gun went off... and so did they... the start looked insanely fast! Rita, Jennifer, and I jogged around the block once... and by that time we heard a "and here comes the lead runner". Bobby Mack came flying across the finish line in 4:08 (yeah, that's what the clock said), and John Crews was right behind him, making it a 1-2 finish for TAF Elite. About a minute later, we saw another line of TAF runners, with Brad, Oyler (3rd AG), and Jack U. (3rd Master's) securing places 24-26. Shortly thereafter, Rusty crossed the finish line, and shortly after him came Dave.

Then the women lined up, another "Who's Who" of NC running, and bang! This start was also insane... so insane that I lost my inhaler about 50ft into the race (got popped right out of my hand, served as a good elbow-blocker though!). Jennifer was first across the line for the TAF women, and Rita and I finished neck and neck, both setting new PR's. Shortly thereafter, Jeffrey (NC State Tri Team) saw me, and handed me my inhaler, which had apparently been found on the ground right around the start line.

It was a great race... lots of fun... well, as fun as something that fast can be (I think my lungs have finally stopped burning)... GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Pictures

1 comment:

  1. So glad the inhaler was found!! It's funny that Jeffrey knew it was yours out of all the racers!
