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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

Or join us on one of our group runs!

Track workout from Bottle Revolution (Tues- 6:15PM)
Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

O'er the fields we go...

I was expecting to find a bunch of articles describing how running on grass is sooooooo much better than running on pavement, etc... but what I found was this: running on sand or grass may increase the risk of injury. So, I read on. Basically, the "increased rate of injury" is due to twisting ankles, knees, and other joints that really shouldn't be twisted on uneven surfaces afforded by many fields. Also, slopes can cause repetitive, off-axis motion, which isn't good either. Having said that, softer surfaces are better to run on in terms of not pounding your legs, so opt for more even, level surfaces if you're not an experienced trail runner (or clumsy). Alternatively, you could just get better at falling (note: I highly recommend this option... much more widely applicable... all the coordination in the world won't help you if you forget your glasses or water gets behind your contact lenses!). #20


  1. That said, by integrating short bouts of off-road running into your routine, you will strengthen those stablizing muscles and become less prone to injury.

    I like to switch gears in the winter and add a lot more single track and off-road into the mix. The extra leaves and pine needles provide a nice cushion underfoot, but they also make it hard to spot roots, rocks and other trail hazards.

    So, like any new training technique/device, ease into it. Your ankles will appreciate it in the long run. The Coach has spoken.

  2. On behalf of "the tribe", I would like to thank you for you for the tip coach (trust you more than about.com). And and and... now that I have contact lenses... I CAN SEE I CAN SEE I CAN SEE when I run... WAHOOO... it is AWESOME... you have no idea how excited I am... even the out-and-back on Ridge Rd. in the pitch dark tonight was interesting... Umstead is going to be AMAZING... and maybe trail running won't give me a headache... the possibilities are endless... ok, I'll stop for now but just keep in mind that I was jumping up and down the whole time I was trying to type this!

  3. So seeing is cool... taking out contact lenses... not so cool!
