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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Open Thread - Staying Warm and Dry at Valentine's Day Massacre Relay

The comment thread of this post is for discussing ways to keep warm and dry between legs (approx. 30 min) at Sunday's relay.

At the time of this post weather.com predicts a low of 23F, high of 44F, wind WNW 12mph, and sunny on Sunday Feb 12 in Greensboro. That is cold but earlier the prediction was for 14F and 38F respectively.

If you have some good ideas or concerns please share them in the comments.


  1. I run in shorts but for the rest interval I'd like to have warm-up pants like I see NBA players wear - they easily yank them off when they are about to jump back into the game without having to pull them down over their shoes.

    Failing that a long warm skirt that could be taken off quickly would be good - let me know if you have one that I could borrow.

  2. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go out and buy some of those hand warmers at Walmart or CVS or something.

  3. I'm bringing at least one of the zero-degree sleeping bags... at least it's supposed to be sunny!

  4. I'll have the tent and will bring a sleeping bag. If someone has a small tarp, that would be grand. Maybe some camp chairs...and plenty of dance music!!!!
