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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

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Track workout from Bottle Revolution (Tues- 6:15PM)
Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Weekend Racing

Well, there are a lot of races going on this weekend to say the least! On Sat., James and Ed are competing in the Beach 2 Battleship half and full Ironmans respectively. Good luck guys... that is just awesome! Brad B. is also racing in the Richmond Half Marathon. On Sunday, Dave is running the Harrisburg Marathon. I think Lisa (and maybe others) were planning on racing the OBX Marathon. Closer to home, I think a couple of us are doing the Old Reliable 5K/10K. So, WAHOOO and HAVE FUN! #20

For this week, I thought I'd abandon "world record" Friday in lieu of "completely bizarre" Friday (and lets face it, most of the former could be included in the later). Ok, so a lot of us have had some close encounters with stray dogs, squirrels, maybe a few copperheads out on the trail... but I never thought I'd have to worry about a white-tailed deer! Nor am I sure that the creators of "The Middle" ever thought that they would be predicting the future (from episode 1.24)!


  1. No comment about the naked guy arrested in the NCSU library?

  2. Hadn't heard about it until now... but yeah, that pretty much defines bizarre! (http://www.technicianonline.com/news/police-find-man-naked-wrecking-bookshelves-1.2403044)
