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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

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Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Swim Swim Swim

I like swimming... until it's the only thing I can do for 2 weeks... then I really begin to hate it. The last time this happened, I tried to analyze why... needed something "exciting" to think about by the 2nd day! I soon realized that this was the problem. Swimming is like running on a treadmill or riding on a trainer - you don't really get anywhere and the scenery doesn't change much. What's even worse, you can't really talk to anyone except yourself (and since I don't have to take breaths to talk to myself, those conversations go by quick... just kidding). I've tried pretending I really wasn't swimming, but rather doing the scheduled workout (when visualizing running 800s around a track makes whatever you are doing seem better, you've got a problem).

So, enough complaining because I did think of a solution (by the 4th day at least). I realized on the 3rd day that I had done the same workout for the past 3 days. This, in and of itself, is boring... we vary our running training so we can get better, so it would make sense to vary swims too! I found this website that described workouts to do to improve endurance, form, and speed... another website with options for target-specific workouts... and this website which just has a bunch of workouts. Some other things I "learned": (1) make sure you drink water while you swim and (2) bring all of the things you are going to need to the lane before you start! #20


  1. Meghan, Those are my exact thoughts on swimming. I do it 2x a week now. It's such a good workout though. This may sound gross but I chew gum while I swim because it's kinda challenging and gives me something to do. lol.

    But other than that it's all about looking for the stripe to flip and do it again.

    I think it helps some with running. That's what I keep telling myself. ha!

  2. hahaha... yeah, I've convinced myself that I don't have to lift weights if I swim because it's a good upper body workout... and I imagine a good core workout! Chewing gum... hmmmm... might give it a try.
