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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Race Plan Discussion for 2012

The comment thread attached to this post is for discussing the team's goals for 2012. From Fast Coach's recent email:
Need to start thinking about what the team wants to train for post-marathon. Post your ideas, and let's come up with a plan for 2012. Some of the things on the table are New England Relay, spring half, 2nd Empire series, late-fall half or full. Also need to think about a team meeting soon to cover topics such as socials, hosting races, etc.
Begin discussion ...


  1. A number of people have said they are running the
    Tobacco Road Half or Full on Sunday March 18.

  2. Jan - Houston Marathon
    Feb - Valentine's Day Massacre Relay (hopefully as long as I can get the day off)
    Mar - Tobacco Road Half Marathon
    May - one of the 2nd Empire 10k's
    Sept/Oct - local half marathon
    Nov - marathon (Savanah, OBX, other)

    I would also like to improve my 5k time and maybe throw in a tri or participate in the aquathon series in the summer.

  3. I would like to run the Raleigh Rocks Half on April 1st. Also, if anyone would like to race some triathlons I would be up for that.

  4. I'd like to run a full this fall

  5. Mar - Tobacco Road Half Marathon

    Then maybe another half in the fall, and some 5k races this summer.

  6. April - Flying Pirate Half !

    And a few of 5k's , 10k's between now and then

  7. Ditto to all that Meghan (Assistant Coach) mentioned earlier:)

  8. I definitely want to shoot to do New England if there's a spot that opens up.

    After my 26.2 in a few weeks I want to start making a push towards going sub-16 in a 5k this summer. Thinking of trying the Komen 5k again as it's been a while since I've ran that one.

    The Tri-Span 10k in Wilmington would be a fun one to hit up. We could do the race and hang around downtown and at the beach for a while before coming back. I'll probably shoot for this to be my target 10k for the summer before transitioning back to marathon training.

    Savannah will probably be my target full for the fall. I heard a lot of good things about that one and I've been looking for an excuse to go back down there to visit.

  9. Tobacco Road Full, and Savannah sounds fun.I would also love to improve my 5k time!

  10. Jan: Houston Full, Feb: Valentines day Massacre Relay, March: Tobacco Road Half, May: Local 10k, Sept-Oct: Run for the Red Half (Boone),Asheville Half, or Emerald City Half (Greenville) , Nov: Savannah or OBX Full........Also maybe the Capital City Classic 10k in the summer.

  11. Roanoke Canal half (weekend before Tobacco) and possibly the new RunRaleigh half in April. Improve 5K times over the spring/summer, another tri, New Bern half in Oct, possibly another half in Nov.

  12. Oh and some trail races/training runs too!

  13. February - Valentine's Massacre Marathon Relay
    March - TCO 5k in Tarboro
    April - Mountains to Sea 12 Mile Challenge
    May/June - Pittsburgh, Pasadena, Green Bay Half Marathon
    Summer - Triathlon/Aquathons, Track series
    Sept/Oct - Half Marathon
    Nov/Dec - Full

    I would also like to start doing yoga on a regular basis either at Open Door, Lululemon, or other studio. Also would benefit from regular swimming, upper body, and core workouts.

  14. I gotta lose 225 pound so I don't have to pay extra to get on a plane, except Southwest, and to surprise my husband when he gets out. They said i should fast to do it but I don't know how. I searched "fast coaching and plans" and this came up. Is that what this is about and what is gu and where can I get some.

  15. Hi Veronica! If you live in the Raleigh-Durham area, stop by Raleigh Running Outfitters (www.raleighrunning.com) and we'll make sure you have a good pair of running sneakers before you start training. We can also give you information on local training programs, etc. If not, stop by your local running store and ask them to fit you for a pair of sneakers (they'll have info. on local groups as well). Best of luck.

  16. I suppose I'll throw my hand in the pot:

    February: potential 10K to act as a time trial
    March: Quintiles half
    April: Boston!!!!!
    May: local 10K
    Summer: local 5K/10K's
    Sep/Oct: half
    Nov: full
