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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

Or join us on one of our group runs!

Track workout from Bottle Revolution (Tues- 6:15PM)
Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Other Random Terms I Want Clarified

Ok, I promise that these terms are somewhat related to general fitness (or at least they are in my head):

Digital Pedometers vs. Accelerometers
Both of these devices basically count the number of steps taken (versus tracking actual distance like a GPS unit). Pedometers are mechanically- (or electro-mechanically) based, and use a small pendulum to keep track of the number of steps taken. Accelerometers are electrically-based and, well, measure changes in acceleration during the phases of walking. Most non-GPS "distance" tracking systems now use accelerometers because they are more accurate than their pedometer counterparts.

Sprain, Strain, Tear, Rupture
A sprain refers to over-stretching a ligament, which may result in a partial or full tear of this connective tissue. A strain or pull refers to damaging a muscle and/or its associated tendons by tearing the fiber bundles by placing undue pressure on the system. Basically, a sprain relates to joints and ligaments whereas a strain relates to muscles and tendons. And, although you can tear all three tissues, it appears that rupture refers mostly to tearing a tendon.

Compression Sock vs. Calf Sleeve
Ok, I really don't think there is any difference in terms of "technology". Both provide compression, with the amount seeming to differ more between companies than products within the same company (like Zensah). The only difference I really see is that the sleeves don't have feet (i.e., you can wear your own socks) and are available in a variety of different "styles" (i.e., ankle, calf/shin, and thigh). The socks are, well, knee-length socks.

Freezing Rain vs. Sleet
Freezing rain falls like normal rain, and then freezes on contact with a surface (like a roadway). Sleet is already frozen when it falls (basically small ice pellets), so it bounces off of surfaces. Basically, while sleet can accumulate (like snow) if enough of it falls, freezing rain at any intensity will form a dangerous sheet of ice.

Rainbow Chip vs. Funfetti
Rainbow Chip icing is made by Betty Crocker and comes with the sprinkles already mixed in. Funfetti frosting is made by Pillsbury and the sprinkles come in a little packet on top of the frosting (you have to do the mixing). Either way, they are both delicious!

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