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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

Or join us on one of our group runs!

Track workout from Bottle Revolution (Tues- 6:15PM)
Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yellow Paint

A new study has found that 1/3 of all marathon runners will suffer from allergies post 26.2. Why? A lot of marathons are run in the spring or fall, which is prime time for allergies to hit. Also, many runners travel outside of their hometown for marathons, and may not be used to the plants in the new local. In order to combat this, the article suggests taking a corticosteroid nasal spray or a non-sedating antihistamine as a preventative measure and rinsing your nose with salt-water. It's also important for those suffering from asthma to carry medication with them, as allergies can often trigger attacks.


  1. hahaha... ok, so I was reading the police blotter in my hometown a few years back... a woman had reported seeing massive amounts of yellow paint in the road... the police reported and found it to be pollen (I am being serious)!
