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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

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Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eye of the Tiger

Six movies of training, now that takes dedication! So, how does Balboa do it?!? A mixture of cardio and weight training it looks like:

  • Rocky Balboa's Cardio Routine
  • Rocky 6 Agility/Strength Workout
  • Sylvester Stallone's Weight Training Schedule

  • Based on the movies, his "running" schedule included a stair workout (who could forget the 72-step sprint up to the Philadelphia Museum of Art?), chasing chickens (Rocky II), running on sand (Rocky III), pulling Mickey on a bike (Rocky III), and out-running/maneuvering a car full of KGB agents (Rocky IV).

    Actually, the workouts in "Rocky 6" look a lot like modern CrossFit. I've only just recently heard of CrossFit, but it sounds kind of cool. Basically, it is a very dynamic, high intensity circuit training workout that combines weightlifting, sprinting, and gymnastics. A lot of the exercises are also "functional" in nature. For this reason, many military organizations and local law enforcement agencies have adopted this training methodology.

    I mean seriously, how could I leave Rocky out of these ridiculous workout schedules that I've been posting?!? Plus, the Rocky movies provide us with some of the best running songs ever! Have fun singing "Eye of the Tiger" for the rest of the day! #20


    1. Most importantly, don't forget the Human Growth Hormone!

    2. Oh my gosh,
      my most favorite part of the nOg run was when those guys would sit out on their porch and play EYE OF THE TIGER on their boombox as we all ran by! (half mile-ish)
      I miss them

    3. I was thinking of them just the other day! I still sing the song in my head when we pass the corner :-)
