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Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Energy Gels

From personal experience, I know that I really, really like some energy gels (although Blackberry GU is not worth losing your keys over, it comes close), and really, really want to spit out others. So, this week, I decided to look at three different energy gels in order to figure out what the difference between them is: PowerGel, GU, and Hammer Gel. To keep it simple, I stuck with comparing the vanilla flavor because (1) all three had it, (2) most retailers stock it, and (3) I like to pretend it's funfetti frosting.

Nutritional Analysis:
The PowerGel contained 110 calories (27g carbohydrates), GU had 100 calories (25g carbohydrates), and Hammer Gel weighed in at 90 calories (21g carbohydrates). The PowerGel had the most sodium (200mg compared to 55mg from GU and 20mg from Hammer Gel), while the GU had the most potassium (45mg compared to 20mg from both PowerGel and Hammer Gel). Additionally, both GU and Hammer Gel utilize the "muscle recovery" amino acid blend, and GU packs 100% of your daily value of Vitamin C and E, and 2% of your daily value of calcium. That's pretty much all there is on nutrition... not too exciting.

#20's Thoughts:
I've actually tried all three gels before. The consistency of PowerGel is a bit more liquidy than the other two, making it easier to consume without drinking a whole ton of water. The other ones can leave a "stuck to the roof of your mouth" type feeling if you don't drink enough water and/or are slightly dehydrated mid-workout (but now that I figured out how to drink water while riding a bike...). However, PowerGel contains more sodium, which I can definitely taste. While replacing lost sodium is definitely a plus (this is actually one of the bonuses that PowerBar highlights), I prefer it to be left out of my fruit, frosting, and coffee (aka flavors of most energy gels). That being said, most people don't mind the salt. GU contained the most potassium, which also needs to be replaced (yeah, there are two sides to that sodium-potassium pump). Also, this particular GU gel contains caffeine, which I like (and does have benefits in terms of athletics), but others don't. PowerGel and Hammer Gel also make other gels which contain caffeine (in both 1x and 2x strength), so just make sure you read the label. #20

1 comment:

  1. It has a fructose. Did you know that fructose is more deadly. Fructose is a major contributor to insulin resistance, obesity and more. read it here - http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/01/02/highfructose-corn-syrup-alters-human-metabolism.aspx
