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Spring Half Marathon Training Program

Or join us on one of our group runs!

Track workout from Bottle Revolution (Tues- 6:15PM)
Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

IR, UV, and Running

Well friends, I might have shed some light on my inability to trigger automatic doors (and, fear not, I will relate this to running). As some of you know, the door at Food Lion and I are engaged in a constant battle... it doesn't really like to open for me! I noticed that this seems to happen more frequently after workouts, when I am really tired and hungry and just want to get home and "make" dinner. One of my friends mentioned that the doors might be IR-triggered (IR = infrared). So I looked into the relationship between automatic doors and IR, and stumbled across the solution to my problem... apparently, it's what I'm wearing!!! Lighter-colored fabrics do not absorb as much IR-energy as darker-colored fabrics. Additionally, cotton also presents a problem. Being that I normally throw on an old race t-shirt after workouts (and the majority of these are white)... well, I am a VIRTUAL IR NINJA! So, I am thinking of conducting an experiment in the near future: I am going to leave a dark-colored, non-cotton t-shirt in my window (in the sun) during a workout to "charge" before I go grocery shopping... that door at Food Lion doesn't know who it's messing with!

Ok, and now to something a bit more on the topic of IR, UV, and running. Not surprising, it's better to wear lighter-colored, non-cotton fabrics to work out in on hot, sunny days (awesome... scientific-evidence to support the traffic-cone orange shorts / red TAF top look). However,we also need to consider the light at other end of the spectrum- UV (ultra-violet). Skin cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the U.S. So, make sure you are either wearing sunscreen (spf 30 or higher) or clothing with UV-protection (a lot of tech shirts are now made this way). #20

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