3 New Ways to Follow E3!

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Come train with Raleigh Running Outfitters!

Spring Half Marathon Training Program

Or join us on one of our group runs!

Track workout from Bottle Revolution (Tues- 6:15PM)
Cary Store (Wed- 6PM) + Raleigh Store (Thurs- 6:15PM)

Raleigh Running Outfitters would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Q: How do you drink water during a race?

Km: It's going to be hot out, so you might want to drink something during the course of the race (I usually don't during 5K's... but anything longer than 4 miles... it's probably not a bad idea during the summer in NC). At the very least, grab a cup and dump it over your head. However, you probably DON'T need to carry your own water with you on an 8K... there will be more than enough water stops during the race.

As you approach the water station, start listening to who is saying Gatorade and who is saying water. Aim for the first or second person you see holding a cup of the beverage of your choice (it's best to target someone early in the line in case you drop the cup or the person in front of you grabs it first). Establish eye contact and nod your head 'yes' so the volunteer knows that you do, in fact, want Gatorade or water. As you pass, reach for the cup with your dominant hand, even if the volunteer is on the opposite side (at least this is my preference... I'm not very coordinated when I'm tired... or even when I'm not for that matter). Squeeze the cup so the sides collapse a little to form a spout of sorts. As you breath in, take a gulp of water. If there's any left in the cup, you can try to take a second gulp, or you can just dump the rest on your head and throw the cup as far to the side as possible. It may be helpful to slow your pace a bit when drinking, especially if you're not used to it.

At least, this is how it's all supposed to work. Usually, I end up spilling about half the cup of water on myself before I even get it to my mouth. Then, I mis-time my breath and end up coughing and sputtering as I inhale the water and get it up my nose. I then spend the next minute or so trying to get my breathing back under control. It's all good... for everyone else that is!

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